WHAT IS LISTENING? " Listening is a process of receiving, interpreting , and reacting to a message received from the speaker."
Listening: In listening one properly pays attention , and listen carefully. Listening involves a more sophisticated mental process then hearing.
Hearing : In hearing one doesn't pay proper attention to the talk for eg: when you are going for dinner with your friends and in that hotel the background music is on, so we also sings the music and talk with the friends.
Types of listening :
1. Appreciative listening
2. Empathetic listening
3. Comprehensive listening
4. Critical listening
5. Superficial listening
Process of listening:
1. Receiving
2. Understanding
3. Evaluating
4. Remembering
5. Responding
Modes of active listening:
1. Paying attention
2. Dealing with distraction
3. Global versus local listening
Advantages of good listening or trait of good listeners:
1. Being non evaluative
2. Paraphrasing
3. Reflecting implications
4. Reflecting hidden feelings
5. Inviting further contributions
6. Responding non verbally
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